Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rundown of Sports World

The Great One. Number 99. Wayne Gretzky. Today he turns the big 5 0. So happy birthday to him. For those of you who do not know who Gretzky is, that's a problem.

On to the Super Bowl, it's just 2 weekends away. Green Bay Packers vs. Pittsburgh Steelers. I'm going with Green Bay to take it home to the Cheeseheads. Personally, I would have rather seen the Bears in the Super Bowl. So have Steeler fans forgiven Ben Roethlisberger? Now that he has led them to another Super Bowl appearance does that excuse what he did?

We are now half way through the NHL season. The Leafs are looking great.. you know 12th in the east, 12 points out of a playoff spot. If the draft were today then the Leafs would be giving Boston the 5th pick overall.
Speaking of hockey, the All-Star game is looking interesting this year. I like the way they have it set up  with the whole picking teams thing. I don't really like how there is not a representative from each club like there has been in the past. But with Eric Staal and Nik Lidstrom as captains im sure there will be some interesting teams. Will Eric pick his brother Marc? Will the twins be on the same team? Who's going first and who will be picked last? Funny how the players were picked regardless of what conference they play for but the captains ended up being from opposite coasts. Thought they trying to change it up so it wasn't East vs West.

For your enjoyment here is a nice video of Clarke MacArthur vs Chad LaRose fight.. well if what LaRose did was fight. Video is above.

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