Thursday, February 24, 2011

One tough dude

Spring training has started!
The Jays are currently in Dunedin getting ready for the upcoming season.
Today we are going to take a look at one of the Jays closers, Jon Rauch.


Rauch doesn't see himself no different then any other Jay. Some might think other wise when their up to bat against this 6'11" dude with a wicked death stare, throwing a mid 90mph fastball at you. But according to the Jays bullpen once you get to know him he's really not that intimidating and overall a great guy. This 32 year old veteran hails from Kentucky and is the MLB's tallest player, EVER. Rauch doesn't exactly like talking about his size or all his tattoos though, he would much rather talk about the Blue Jays.
“I made the decision to come here, and I’m excited to come here.  There’s a lot of young players on this team, and a lot of experienced guys too. You look at what Bautista did last year (54 home runs) and you look at 85 wins. This team is a good team.”

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